Over the last 6 months, I’ve been toying with the idea of resigning from the SHCGB committee to free more time to spend on my eye tracking business. I’ve served, without break, as a committee member for about 8 years. In that time seen the SHCGB evolve into the great club it is today. Last week, I emailed the club secretary with the news of my intention.
My decision to take a break from committee matters came down to the realisation that I was working quite a few 7 day weeks, leaving little time to spend with the dogs, let alone husky club matters. Attending four committee meetings and an AGM each year is quite a commitment, especially when you factor in preparation and the jobs you walk away with.
I plan to continue with my role as webmaster for the husky club and co-organiser of the famous Aviemore Sled Dog Rally. The web site will be ten years old this year and will hopefully get the long awaited redesign, now I’ve got a bit more time on my hands.
We (myself and Helen) have accomplished a lot for the club over the years. Things that immediately spring to mind are:
Publishing the magazine for quite a few editions
- Running one of the oldest husky bulletin boards
- Setting up the virtual switchboard for the club
- Acquiring and running the amazing race countdown clock
- Overhauling the rally brochure format and publishing it for a reasonable stint
- Publishing the SHCGB 25th anniversary book
On top of this list of things I’ve remembered, there’s a huge amount of stuff that we’ve just done because I was a committee member or Helen was married to a committee member. We’ve put a lot into the club over the years and got a lot back in return.
If you have the time or can make the time, then please do consider putting yourself forward for committee. It is good fun, you get to meet a huge number of people and gain an amazing insight into everything that goes on.